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The Soft Palace

• Selection of 15 lyrics from Pete Gioconda’s love songs . . .

Molly G, Jasmine Gold, Naughty Little Lemon, Union True, Alien Cat Lover . . .

“In all the vastness of this world
And the terrifying expanse of time
Will there be one, how could there be
To live and marvel and let it be?
Yet sincere belief has made it so
Eternity has you in an envelope:
Out of all time, charmed in wizardry
Prove my existence in this world”

(from My Ageless Wonderfriend)
Goodbye to Space Invaders

• A varied selection of early poems: surreal, idealistic. Wordplay, freedom and transcendence. Parties, hitching, arrogance, humour, romantic inclinations . . .
“Life’s wonder is
your little fresh face
You & I and We.

An oily night &
two blobs of mercury
hang together
jutting out electricity.

My face comes along like a TV set
decorated & tuned
to creep cold across the carpet
& suck.”

(from Girl Ankles)
Goodbye to Space Invaders
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The Blood, the Sand and the Sun

• Visionary, surreal and evocative poems . . .

A Terminal Lunar Cataclysm, Sex on Mars, Connected to Remote Sunrise, Drinking In, Any Good Place, and more . . .

“When words no longer count
And there’s nowhere to put your X-ray eyes
A systematic grinder, enemy of my Dream People,

Tries to suck your Soul away.
A falsehood generator transcends the memories
        And bins the words that still won’t swim.”

(from A Terminal Lunar Cataclysm)
Mysterious Shadows (in prog)

Dreamy and evocative poems, including some which have been set to music. Selection from early poems, through the 1990s and up to the present day . . .
“New life in lieu of old
Same passions still aflame
I feel the shock of heart attack
Well, what about me?
What about my love
who could not be?

(from A New Life)
The Outdoor Room (in prog)

Edgy poems with a threatening feel; others of serenity and transcendence more to be added as they are finished . . .
“I won’t do what I’m told
I’ve come back to where I started
Hiding from those who won’t have me
I am hiding yet calling secretly
Suffering the sickness of the world
And nothing is coming in, or back
Except a ray of gold before night begins
And it’s very cold

(from Highgate Woods)
Centuries of Sadness

• A philosophical collection of introspective, surreal meanderings, first published in 1994 by Black Cat Communications. Illustrated.
The pattern is woven
except observed by
the parties of itself that oversee
what they are immersed in:
a deep tracheotomy
at the instant of speaking.

(from Speech Therapy for the Wicked)
Laughter in the Fog

• A lyrical selection, first published in 1995 by Pentagraph Press.
“The promise of eternal youth
turns to the broken pledge of old age.
Time flies
and to the best of my ability
I try to write things down;
but the Great Recording Angel
I feel would like me to spell it all out
and scratch it on the surface
where God could hardly find it.”

(from The Promise of Eternal Youth)

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An unusual mix of surreal perceptions, odd conversations, ludicrous ramblings and prose poetry – satirical, unsettling, and mostly ridiculous . . .

Dayglo Dawn

Wild and Full of Youth
• How a girl finds herself poetically rebellious

Fascist Man in a Carrier Bag
• How to whip up a frenzy when you are tormented by idiots

Peace in the Sky
• What is the festival really about?

Don’t tell me how hard life is – I want the dark girl – COMING SOON
• A refusal to accept what stares you in the face

Presenting the World’s First Edible Society
• A surreal ramble through an impossible situation

Experimental Humans – COMING SOON
• A vision of transcendence where people rub together

Spanish Inquisition in my Bedroom One Night – COMING SOON
• When your dreams close in on you

The Miniature Shutdown of Reverend Pog
(or, a little religious ha ha!)
• One man’s hallucinatory confusion in a bedsit

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