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Pete Gioconda banner

Pete conehead
Pete Gioconda was born feeling different, and now feels the same, but in a different way.
He has travelled widely in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales; and in his own mind – though the real adventure has yet to begin in earnest.
Pete jumping
Pete bandstand
Pete Gioconda is currently engaged on the endless task known as “the pursuit of freedom”.
This task is personal and far too involved to go into here, though it does not preclude wishing the rest of the world well, as long as they behave themselves.
Pete Toad Vision
Pete busking
He writes songs of mischief, desire and melancholy he finds rather jolly . . . further on, further in.
And one more thing . . .
Pete cosmic
Pete sick
Old men are puerile, and the child is king . . .

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