- In a Dartmoor Garden
- My soul is like this garden, lush and wild,
- With secret shady nooks and sunlit glades,
- Lulled by exquisite silence, or beguiled
- By whispering words and fleeting fantasies
- That dance along my life like shimmering streams.
- This pool reflects my mind, so deep and still,
- Where thoughts can hide like timid darting fish;
- Or soaring free above the mossy walls,
- It seeks the open heath and ancient tors
- Beyond the magic of this private world.
- My dreams are wistful as the sighing breeze
- That conjures weeping memories from afar;
- Sad as the silver moonshine on the grass
- Or eerie hoot of watchful owls that haunt
- The brooding bowers of these slumbering woods.
- My spirit’s carefree as this babbling brook
- That tumbles foaming over rocky falls,
- Then sings and surges bravely on its way,
- Yet held in check by bonds as delicate
- As twinkling cobwebs jewelled by the rain.
- My love is like this thicket savage, strong,
- Its vast green shoots as tough as wires of steel,
- But brushed by gentle thoughts like butterflies,
- And at its centre, guarded by the thorns,
- There grow the vivid flowers of my heart.
- © 2023 Barbara Godfrey & Black Cat Communications
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